On 11th November 2013, a remarkable turn of events unfolded in Nachi community, Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State. A mysterious healing river, known as the “Enugu Jordan River or Orimiri Jordan,” reappeared 42 years after its initial emergence and disappearance in 1972 at the same location. This extraordinary event had transformed the area into a pilgrimage center, drawing millions of Nigerians seeking healing and solace.
How Orimiri Jordan was discovered
While tending to his cattle, a Fulani herdsman stumbled upon the astonishing sight of the river’s sudden reappearance. Water gushed out from a sandy farm land, quickly filling the area with approximately five feet of water. As news of the miracle spread rapidly, people from all walks of life flocked to the site, eager to experience the river’s healing properties.
Consequently, by capitalizing on the influx of visitors, the community has successfully turned the area into a booming business hub. Plastic container sellers, food vendors, commercial motorcyclists, etc are among the many entrepreneurs who provide essential services to the visitors.
However, the river’s true magic is revealed in its alleged healing powers, which have transformed the lives of countless individuals. By swimming in or drinking from its waters, many people have been cured of various ailments, leading to testimonials. Mr. Cyril Eneh, a civil servant, is one such example, expressing his heartfelt gratitude and faith in the river’s abilities after emerging from the water. “This is indeed a miraculous water,…” he exclaimed.
Moreover, Respected community leader Mr. Festus Udeh revealed the river’s cycle, emerging and disappearing every 20 to 30 years. He warned that the river repels evil, exacting consequences on those with malicious intentions who visit its waters.
In conclusion, Orimiri Jordan has become a powerful symbol of hope, transcending scientific debate about its healing properties. Its impact on the community is undeniable, as it continues to inspire and uplift those who seek its waters.
No be small thing oh
My dear 😅🥹
Hearing this for the first time
Same here oh
This is interesting
It is, thank you 😊❤️
Nice article
Thank you 😊❤️
Hmmm! Have nothing to say. Ain’t that much of a superstitious believer.
Ohh! That’s okay.
Thank you 😊❤️
Hmmm interesting. When is the next batch of healing water reappearing?
Nobody knows 😂🥹